The squirrelwas in the oak tree and the dogs were barking. I went over to check it out. He was in the tree, just looking down. So I shook a branch to try to get him to jump to the roof. Well, it worked, except he missed and fell to the ground. He quickly jumped… Continue reading Squirrel
MAGS 2023
Spring break
Visiting grandparents in Denmark for spring break
Michigan Skiing
Another successful skiing weekend in the books. This time we stayed in Cadillac and skied Caberfae and Crystal Mountain. Both resorts were good, and offered great skiing despite above freezing temperatures. it was easier to find a good mix of easy, intermediate and difficult runs serviced by the same lift at Crystal Mountain, so that… Continue reading Michigan Skiing
Farming in the desert
Interesting how I’ve always been impressed by the desert farms whenever I’ve seen them from the air. Big patches of green out in the empty gray desert. Rectangles and big circles, perfectly laid out for big irrigation systems. I still know they help feed the world, but in light of the droughts in Western US,… Continue reading Farming in the desert
Tim Welsh Invitational
Swim meet in Elkhart with Owen.
Winter recreation
We went to Mt Holly for our first ski day of the season. We have not had much winter yet, so conditions were less than great and it was crowded. We still had fun though.
Winter swim
While staying with my parents in their new apartment in Grenaa, I went to the beach for a quick swim. It was cold, but invigorating, and definitely something I would do regularly if I lived closer to the ocean.